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Five teams attended the Notre Dame Parli Warm Up, the first in-person tournament of the year.
Winning Records
Kassayan & Greenleaf (Quarterfinalists)
Sripadham & Thomson (Octofinalists)
Kawaguchi & Gangam (4-2)
Shivakumar & Hoddie (4-2)
Two teams attended the National Parliamentary Debate Invitational hosted at UC Berkeley, and they made sure to stay hydrated throughout.
Breaking Teams
Shivakumar & Deutch (Quarterfinalists)
Kassayan & Gangam (Octofinalists)
Speaker Awards (out of 122)
Neel Gangam (16th)
Shawnak Shivakumar (17th)
Zander Deutch (20th)
Five teams attended the NYPDL November Online Invitational.
Winning Records
Shivakumar & Hoddie (3-2)
Kassayan & Greenleaf (3-2)
Kawaguchi & Gangam (3-2)
Sripadham & Sauquet (3-2)
Speaker Awards (out of 111)
Allegra Hoddie (8th)
Vesta Kassayan (9th)
Kai Kawaguchi (12th)